Subgroup A: GERD
- The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)
- Other Hydro Dams
- Tana Biosphere Restoration and Water hyacinth control
- Lake Tana restoration, Water hyacinth removal
- Riparian Restoration
- Soil and Water Conservation. Silt removal, Gully rehabilitation
- Payment for Ecosystem Services
- Ecotourism and Protecting Monasteries
Subgroup B: Integrated Watershed Management
- Rivers, Lakes and Other water bodies and their Catchment Restoration
- Watershed management and empowerment of farmers.
- Ecosystem Restoration and Management
- In-Cities/Urban Flowing Rivers Cleaning and Embankment Landscaping.
- Desertification and Land Restoration
- Integration of Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, and Urban Development
- Green Legacy Initiative